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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow Blizzard 2010

This was one of the greatest blizzards of my memory. We took on 20 inches in the course of a day. Mark accidentally left his car on the street and we had to shovel for a couple hours, with the help from a neighbor with a plow to get his auto in the back to avoid it getting towed for the snow emergency.

We did some shoveling for the neighbors. Mark and Jesse helped a couple people push their cars/trucks up the ramp to Snelling off Como. Carlos was not able to get back to his house, so he was driving to our house so he could crash at out place. The problem was, not even major roads were plowed. Almond was impossible to travel. There were 2-3 foot drifts down the middle of the road. Larpenteur and Hamline had tracks so you could slowly move. Carlos said he got stuck four times on the way to our house. Twice he was able to get himself out and twice he needed help. He was stuck on Midway and Snelling when we got to him. Shovel equipped, Mark Jesse, and I hiked up through the snow drifts up to the intersection to find Los struggling with zero results. We shoveled/ pushed him out on to snelling and hopped in his Toyota.

We discussed the best option would to be to park at the Rainbow foods about a mile away from our house and then walk home because there was literally no where to park. We helped push out one car that was stuck and then trecked home during the blizzard.

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